Ashura's uprising is not forgotten

"Today’s life in the West, the ultimate goal of a certain people, is exclusive to worldly material and pleasures, and Western This particular life is constantly propagating itself, but our attention to the spiritual and Qur’anic life gives us spiritual and intellectual independence, and in the meantime, the incident of Ashura is a warning that tells us how life affects us, as Hazrat Aba Abdullah (Peace be upon him) said: “اني لم أخرج أشرا و لا عططره و لا فوسدا و لا عصمت” من برای سرگرمی, لهو I did not go out, corruption, and I did not go out wrongly, but I did not quit corruption and I did not go out and I did not go to the wrongdoing, but I did not go to the wrongdoing. Goodwill

At today’s summit, top officials of the judiciary continued to discuss the guidelines for organizing prisoners and reducing the prison population.

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    حکیمه جهان بخشی
    نظر از: حکیمه جهان بخشی
    1396/05/03 @ 10:08:52 ب.ظ

    حکیمه جهان بخشی [بازدید کننده]

    سلام علیکم
    یالثارات الحسین(علیه السلام)
    لبیک یاصاحب الزمان(عجل الله تعالی فرجک)

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